Nominations are open for our 160th Diocesan Convention || Learn More →

November 7-8, 2025

160th Diocesan Convention 2025

When & Where

Friday, November 7, 2025 || Opening Celebration
Saturday, November 8, 2025 || Convention Meeting

The Trophimus Center
823 Maplewood Avenue
Ambridge, PA 15003

Nominations Are Open

The Convention of the Diocese of Pittsburgh meets annually to give guidance, apportion resources, and select leaders who will guide and direct the ministries of the congregations throughout the year.

Nominations are now open for the following positions.

Standing Committee: 1 clergy, 1 lay
Board of Trustees: 1 lay
The Array: 2 clergy, 1 lay
Committee on Canons: 1 clergy, 1 lay

Standing Committee is the council of advice to the Bishop and, in the absence or disability of the bishop, holds the ecclesiastical authority of the Diocese.

At each annual Convention, one member of the clergy and one layperson shall be elected for a period of four years. No member of Standing Committee shall succeed him/herself until the next Convention following the expiration of term of office. In the last year of each clergyperson’s term, he/she shall serve as Standing Committee president. In the last year of each layperson’s term, he/she shall serve as Standing Committee secretary.

The Board of Trustees collects, receives, holds, manages, and properly disposes of all property that is conveyed or transferred to the Diocese, for its benefit or the benefit of any of its congregations, bodies, or associations, per Article X of our Constitution.

In 2024, Convention voted to strike Article X and move the authority of the Board of Trustees to Diocesan Council. If Convention votes for a second time to strike Article X at our 2025 Convention, the Board of Trustees will be dissolved at the end of 2025.

If Convention votes to keep Article X, we will elect one lay member for a three-year term.

The Array serves as the ecclesiastical trial court if any charges are brought against a member of the clergy of the Diocese.

Members of the Array are elected to three-year terms.

The Committee on Canons reviews our governing documents and recommends changes to Convention as necessary.

Members of the Committee are elected to three-year terms.

The Diocesan Council shall act on behalf of the Convention when the Convention is not in session. In particular, it shall evaluate the policies, programs, and other activities of the Diocese, make recommendations to the Convention, and give general oversight to the work, mission, budget and human resources of the Diocese. The Council shall perform such other functions and tasks as the Convention may assign to it.

If Convention should vote for a second time to strike Article X at our 2025 Convention, the Diocesan Council will absorb the responsibilities of the Board of Trustees.

The election of deputies to Diocesan Council takes place on the floor at Convention and is run by each district.

The Commission on Ministry shall assist the Bishop in matters pertaining to the enlistment and selection of persons for ministry, in the guidance and pastoral care of all candidates for Holy Orders, in the examination of persons for Holy Orders, and in discharging any additional duties relating to ministry as are, or may be, required by the Constitution and Canons of the Church.

Members of the Commission are appointed by the chair and the canon to the ordinary.

What We Accomplished


We were thrilled to welcome two new congregations to the Diocese. Abundant Grace West Hills has joined us as a new congregation in union and Redeemer Franklin, a church plant of Grace Anglican Church in Grove City, PA, has graduated to mission fellowship.


Lay – Ms. Colleen Curlee-Malament
Clergy – The Rev. Cn. Tracey Russell

Mr. John Dorland, elected by Convention
Mr. David Greening, elected by District 5

Lay – Ms. Millicent Smith
Clergy – The Rev. Johnmark Smith & the Rev. Frances Metcalf

Lay – Mr. Mark Tader
Clergy – The Rev. Tyler Gongola

Lay Delegates – Mrs. Sarah Kwolek & Ms. Judith Hall
Lay Alternate – Ms. Colleen Curlee-Malament
Clergy Delegate – The Rev. Cn. Dr. Donald Shepson
Clergy Alternate – The Rev. Dr. Mary Baker

District 1
Lay Rep. – Ms. Judith Hall (re-elected, 3-year term)

District 2
Lay Rep. – Mr. Chad Green (3-year term)
Clergy Rep. – The Rt. Rev. David Hicks (2-year term)

District 3
Lay Rep. – Mr. Justin Grubisha (1-year partial term)
Clergy Rep. – The Rev. Frances Metcalf (3-year term)

District 5
Lay Rep. – Mr. Mark Frost (re-elected, 3-year term)

NOTE: Due to the re-districting in 2023, District 4 will not have Diocesan Council elections until 2025. This also accounts for the irregular term limits across the districts as we accommodate for staggered terms going forward.


The registration deadline was October 24

Clergy and deputies must register by October 24 in order to participate and vote. If you are late to register, please complete the registration form below AND email our director of administration, Sarah Kwolek, at

Observers are welcome, but asked to register so we can ensure enough space for everyone.

St. Stephen’s has a large parking lot that is first-come, first-served. If the parking lot is full, free and metered street parking spaces are available on surrounding streets.

Cobblestone Inn & Suites
1111 New Economy Drive
Ambridge, PA 15003

*We have a discounted block of rooms at the Cobblestone Inn. In order to receive 20% off of your room rate, book by phone and ask for the “Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh” group rate.

Fairfield Inn & Suites (Neville Island)
5850 Grand Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15225

We encourage all Convention delegates, especially those who have not attended before, to attend one of our virtual Pre-Convention Hearings. During both hearings, we will preview the agenda, brief you on decisions that we’ll need to make, and solicit your feedback.

The hearings took place on Zoom on October 9 and October 17. For those who were unable to attend, a recording of the second hearing is now available.

Watch the Hearing → 

Friday, November 1, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Trinity Anglican Seminary
311 11th Street
Ambridge, PA 15003

All canonically resident clergy (including those pending canonical residence) are asked to attend Clergy Day in the Commons Hall at Trinity Anglican Seminary. Licensed clergy are invited to attend.

We will spend time talking about:

  • A new clergy care initiative for both mental and financial health
  • The Very Rev. Cn. Dr. Bryan Hollon will update us on recent changes at Trinity Anglican Seminary
  • Delia Bouwers Bianchin, Esq., our diocesan chancellor, will speak about our diocesan misconduct protocols

Spouses of clergy are invited to join us at noon for lunch and listen in on the afternoon session (about clergy tax concerns).

Registration for Clergy Day is included in the Convention registration form.

All clergy are asked to process during the opening Eucharist, as an encouragement to the assembled church. Please arrive by 6:15 p.m. on Friday and proceed to the Lecture Hall for vesting.

Altar party: cassock, surplice, white stole, and hood.
Priests: cassock, surplice, tippet, and hood.
Deacons: alb and white stole.

Seat, Voice, and Vote are granted to:

  • clergy who have been canonically resident in the Diocese for three months prior to Convention and are in good standing
  • lay deputies certified and sent by one of our congregations
  • the chancellor of the Diocese

Seat and Voice (no vote) are granted to any individual who does not qualify under one of the categories above, but serves as a:

  • member of one of our governing bodies: Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, or Board of Trustees
  • member of the Committee on Canons
  • clergy who have been canonically resident in the Diocese for less than three months

All other interested parties are invited to attend as observers (seat only, without voice or vote).

Lay deputies and alternates must be certified 60 days prior to Convention. If a certified alternate must appear in place of a lay deputy, the rector or priest in charge must verify it in advance or on the day of Convention. If the deputy AND alternate are unable to participate, please notify us in advance by emailing an amended certification to Clergy can also certify a new alternate on the day of Convention using a form stating the wardens have elected this delegate.

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November 1-2

159th Diocesan Convention, 2024