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Connecting People with

Churches Community Resources Jesus

We are a family of churches in the Pittsburgh area and beyond, and a member diocese of the Anglican Church in North America. We are rooted in the ancient church, grounded in the Bible, and passionate about Jesus and his good news. We seek to plant, support, and renew Anglican churches that embody the gospel of Jesus Christ in our communities.

What We Believe

As Anglicans, we are Christians united by our common profession of faith in Jesus Christ, our historical ties to the early Church, our common faith in scripture, our common prayer book used for worship, and our common system of governance, which is ordered around an overseer called a bishop. We’re committed to transforming lives through the love of Jesus Christ.

Find a Church

Our churches offer a range of worship experiences, from traditional to contemporary. We can help connect you with the church that fits you best.

Our Guiding Values

Our Guiding Values

Prayer is at the heart of all we do. While we are co-laborers, the work of transforming people with the gospel is firstly the work of God. Being first and constantly at prayer reminds us that we can do nothing without his power and presence.​
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As we nurture our clergy and raise up the next generation of church leaders, we follow Jesus' model of walking alongside the twelve apostles. Through our work and programs, our priority is developing personal relationships for pastoral care and skill development.
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Kingdom Minded
We are unapologetic about the mission and work of the church, which is to make disciples. Our desire is to bring people into a saving relationship with Jesus because it changes our lives—in this world and for all eternity.​
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We strive for operational excellence in our diocese and churches, to be worthy of your trust and to be better ready to support and fulfill the mission of the gospel.
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From the Bishop

The Cost of Faith

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"There is effort involved in following Jesus—as there should be—and I think that for many of us, at least certainly for me, the realization that following Jesus was going to demand something of me was actually a plus..."

The Cost of Faith

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Why Do I Go to Church

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"As a Christian person, as a disciple of Jesus, why is it that I go to church, anyway? What is it that drives my churchgoing? Now, if we're talking simply to my own fallen nature or cultural bias, I would probably say..."

Why Do I Go to Church

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The Truth of Easter

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"Death does not have any dominion over Jesus, nor does it have dominion over us. This is the great joy that we celebrate this Easter season and always: that Jesus is victorious over death and brings that victory to us."

The Truth of Easter

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